NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 The Private Teachers Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) has published the fourth public notification for the recruitment of 68 thousand 390 teachers in private educational institutions. Earlier, the Ministry of Education approved the application for publication of the fourth public notice 31 thousand 508 vacancies in schools and colleges and 36 thousand 882 vacancies in madrassas and technical institutions will be filled. Registration holders will be able to apply in public notification from December 29 published on my website www.topbdjobs.com
The notification signed by NTRCA member (Education and Education Standards) ABM Shaukat Iqbal Shaheen on Wednesday said that the registered candidates interested in becoming teachers to fill the vacant posts at the entry level of private educational institutions (schools, colleges, madrasas, technical and business management) of the country. Online application (e-Application) is being invited under the following conditions.
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 Job Details
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 As per notification information, subject and post wise list of 68 thousand 390 vacant posts on NTRCA website (www.ntrca.gov.bd) and Teletalk Bangladesh website limited (http://ngi.teletalk.com.bd) on 29/12/2022 AD. . The date will be published at 12.00 PM and applications can be made from the same date and time onwards.
Applicant Eligibility: Applicants must have the following qualifications.
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 To be registered according to the concerned subject, position and type of institution; The combined merit list published by NTRCA shall include;
Must have completed the requisite educational qualification as per the latest Manpower Structure and MPO Policy issued by the Department of Secondary and Higher Education and Department of Technical and Madrasa Education; (To see the details of the required educational qualification, click on the service box called ‘Chaturth Gana Vigynapti’ on NTRCA’s website).
According to the latest manpower structure and MPO policy issued by the Department of Secondary and Higher Education and Technical and Madrasa Education Department of the Ministry of Education, the candidate must apply only to the posts and educational institutions mentioned in his teacher registration certificate. If the applicant applies by providing false information and receives a recommendation for employment accordingly, legal action will be taken against him including cancellation of the recommendation.
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022
Age of Applicant: Age of Candidate as on 25th March 2020 AD. Must be 35 years or less on date. Each applicant can make only one application at the same level (school/college) as per registration certificate. A candidate can choose maximum 40 (forty) educational institutions from the list of vacancies in his application. After giving the choice, if a candidate is willing to work in any educational institution outside his/her Choice country, he/she has to click Yes in the box named Other Option displayed in the e-Application form. If not willing then click No.
In 2016, for the first time, NTRCA published a notification to appoint teachers in private schools, colleges and madrasas. Last March 30 last year NTRCA released the third recruitment circular for 54 thousand 304 vacant posts
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 Job Summery
Organization Name: Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA)
Post Type: MPO
School and College Post Vacancy: 31508
Madrasha, Business Study and Technical Institution Post Vacancy: 36882
Total Vacancy 68390
Online Application Link: Click Here to Apply
Age Limit: 25 March 2020 (35 years)
Online Application Start Date: 29 December 2022
Online Application Last Date: 29 January 2023
Application Fee: 1000 TK.
Jobs Source :bdjobs.com
NTRCA 4th Public Notice 2022 Image File